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I discovered something wonderful!

One of the fun things about writing is that there are so many things you cut out before the final manuscript is submitted. It's fun to revisit those pages and reminisce. Especially when you discover something wonderful!

In Made of Steel's case...Miles' lost letters to Summer got cut because it was Summer's story and I wanted you to experience everything from her point of view. But when I unearthed Miles' letters a few weeks ago when I was feeling nostalgic, I knew I needed to give them to you. Because really it's not just Summer's story. There was a boy she left behind, not the other way around.

I hope you're as excited about these lost letters as I am. My telepathy says yes because you're probably like: "Ivy quit with the weird backstory and just get to the darn letters already." Right? I knew it. Fine you win!

Read the letters for FREE today exclusively in my Facebook group here.